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Examination Board Specifications are linked below:

Its a very demanding, but an enjoyable, deep subject that will cover topics that reach the heart of the Universe Structure. Explain how everyday things work across the widest spectrum of Engineering achievements.


Such a satisfying subject to master.

AQA Exam Board Physics A Level

OCR Exam Board A Level Physics Syllabus A 

OCR Exam Board A Level Physics Syllabus B

EDEXCEL Exam Board A Level Physics

Measurements and their errors

Content in this section is a continuing study for a student of physics. A working knowledge of the
specified fundamental (base) units of measurement is vital. Likewise, practical work in the subject
needs to be underpinned by an awareness of the nature of measurement errors and of their numerical
treatment. The ability to carry through reasonable estimations is a skill that is required throughout the
course and beyond.

Particles and radiation

This section introduces students both to the fundamental properties of matter, and to electromagnetic
radiation and quantum phenomena.  Through a study of these topics, students
become aware of the way ideas develop and evolve in physics. They will appreciate the importance
of international collaboration in the development of new experiments and theories in this area of
fundamental research


GCSE studies of wave phenomena are extended through a development of knowledge of the
characteristics, properties, and applications of travelling waves and stationary waves. Topics treated
include refraction, diffraction, superposition and interference

Mechanics and materials

Vectors and their treatment are introduced followed by development of the student’s knowledge and
understanding of forces, energy and momentum. The section continues with a study of materials
considered in terms of their bulk properties and tensile strength. As with earlier topics, this section and
also the following section Electricity would provide a good starting point for students who prefer to
begin by consolidating work.


This section builds on and develops earlier study of these phenomena from GCSE. It provides
opportunities for the development of practical skills at an early stage in the course and lays the
groundwork for later study of the many electrical applications that are important to society.